Loading Dock Upgrade – HN Balgowlah


In line with Harvey Norman CEO, Katie Page’s ‘The Last Mile’ initiative, its retail complex at Balgowlah was in desperate need of an improvement of its physical assets and WHS standards for its on-site warehouse, its loading dock logistics and its associated customer service facilities, to enhance ‘The Last Mile’ delivery experience for their customers.


Ozy Services was briefed by Harvey Norman Property to paint the ceiling of the loading dock and customer service areas, install 3-phase power across the warehouse and install 3 automated roller shutters and an in-fill panel and pedestrian door to provide an improved security option.


Ozy Services successfully;

  • worked at height to professionally prepare, prime and paint 3 coats of paint onto the ceiling whilst avoiding important fire protection services on the ceiling and ongoing logistical movements below
  • installed new LED lighting to the ceiling
  • installed new fire protection lighting and exit signs
  • installed 3-phase power into a new sub distribution board and extended along ceiling to each of three openings for power to the roller shutters
  • installed removable sleeves to house bollards and protect the shutters from impacts
  • installed road base to the widening the exit path for trucks leaving the loading dock.

Next ShowCase

Heritage Building rennovation – HN Moree Harvey Norman owns and manages the oldest known property, retail store and warehouse complex in Moree, NSW. As such, Harvey Norman are the responsible custodian of the local history, culture and aesthetics, through its ownership, design and restorative maintenance of its buildings and facades, situated within the heart of this famous country town. Ozy Services was briefed by Harvey Norman Property to professionally restore the crumbling façade of the 1904 heritage-listed building, apply a durable paint to the exterior of the building that is tolerant to the extreme range of both freezing and boiling temperatures and prepare a special space upon the external wall for a mural by the local Kamilaroi Aboriginal community.
Homemaker Centre Bendigo Harvey Norman Property is the landlord of the Bendigo Homemaker Centre in regional Victoria. Over time, heavy rains caused erosion and partial collapse of the earthen bank along three sides of its property border, creating a potential erosion hazard as well as the obvious WHS issue to the roadway, assets and people below. Ozy Services was briefed by Harvey Norman Property to scrape the loose soil from the embankment; to stabilise the 60° slope with an application of geotextile matting; to excavate and construct an agricultural drain with a sock and pipework at the base of the slope; then to design and construct a light retaining wall to run the full 500 metres of the bank to contain any further erosion.
Asphalting – HN Taree Harvey Norman Property is the landlord of the Bendigo Homemaker Centre in regional Victoria. Over time, heavy rains caused erosion and partial collapse of the earthen bank along three sides of its property border, creating a potential erosion hazard as well as the obvious WHS issue to the roadway, assets and people below.